Saturday, May 16, 2020

Midterm Exam - Ms. Essay - 2099 Words

Moreno MIDTERM EXAM - MS Please respond to the short-answer questions below (answers should be brief and succinct). While you are able to use your textbook, please state the answers in your own words. This is a test of your understanding of the material—not a copy of what is written in your book. 1. Discuss the â€Å"trilogy† definition of a â€Å"crisis.† There are four parts in a crisis as utilized by Kanel, (2014), and as defined by the ABC Model of crisis is defined: 1) it is the precipitating event occurs, 2) An individual has a perception of the event as threatening or harmful, 3) The perception leads to emotional distress, and 4 the emotional distress leads to impairment in functioning due to the failure of an individual’s usual coping methods that have prevented a crisis before. 2. Describe how a crisis can be both an opportunity and a danger. In Chinese, crisis can mean danger and opportunity. This dualistic meaning features the possible benefits, and the possible dangerous facets of a crisis condition (Kanel, 2014). An individual could face the challenge of the precipitating occurrence strongly; in contrast, the same person might react with a neurotic disturbance, psychotic disorder, or possibly death. A crisis for an individual that receives no intervention will in time conclude, frequently within four to six weeks (Kanel, 2014). Even though an individual’s personality will define how they come out of the crisis, whether strong or weak (Kanel, 2014). DuringShow MoreRelatedHrm 517 Week 6 Assignment 1 Planning Document896 Words   |  4 Pagesappointed head of human resources and are now in charge of managing a small team. Your next project is to revamp the compensation and benefits package employees are receiving at your company. Design a plan for the human resource project without the use of MS Project or simil ar software. 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